Privacy policy


Welcome to my DIY Fashion world! This platform is a creative haven where I delve into the world of DIY fashion (especially crochet), sprinkled with glimpses of my personal journey. It’s a joy to have you as a part of my digital crafting community, and I’m thrilled to share my passion and inspiration with you!

In the spirit of openness, I want to provide you with essential details to keep in mind while exploring our crochet wonderland.


My collaborations are thoughtfully chosen, involving brands that resonate with my love for DIY fashion and crochet. Any paid posts or special collaborations are explicitly identified within the blogpost. I take pride in curating content that is not only enjoyable but also uplifting and positive. Honesty in my posts and reviews is a cornerstone of my values.


To support my creative endeavors, I utilize affiliate programs to link to materials, outfits and content. These links come at no extra cost to you, but I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through them.


Whether a product is gifted or paid for, I only showcase items I genuinely love. Discovering and sharing new brands with you is a delight, and rest assured that my posts reflect my authentic thoughts and opinions.

For gifting inquiries, feel free to reach out to me at 

*While gifts are warmly welcomed, they don’t guarantee a mention or post.


Partnering with brands and companies that align with my aesthetic and values is a priority. I choose collaborations that resonate with my community, bringing them enjoyment and value. If you believe we can create magic together, reach out. Your interest is truly appreciated!

For partnerships, please reach out at:

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